U'dha Furniture

Office : Jl. Samarinda No.19 RT.1/RW.4, Ds.Ngoro - Kec.Ngoro, Jombang - 61473, Jawa Timur - INDONESIA.
Phone. (+62)896-8565-7012

Lokasi Kantor Udha Furniture

Sabtu, 23 April 2011

Modular System Kitchen

Modular System Kitchen by Delta Studio for Composit

This modern kitchen was designed by delta Studio and manufactured by Composit. Created with the mix of shapes, materials and finishes raises new innovation kitchen form, a deconstructed kitchen composition, bring new aesthetic balance. A spectacular scenographical LED lighting worktop combine with super glossy acrylic finishing, raise choice of geometric composition of this kitchen to the next level of beauty; unconventional, young and imaginative in general. sophisticated modular system kitchen design is completely customizable. This kitchen design has various options, from the layout until materials and finishes, bring opportunity to create personalize kitchen design.

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